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Supporting Spelling

Understanding how to read and spell words is a key aspect of learning and we approach the teaching of spelling, vocabulary and phonics through a variety of ways. At home we encourage children to practise the spelling rules and patterns that we are learning in school and this might sometimes include homework activities.

Spelling is taught each week through a sequence of short whole class sessions which focus on a half-termly objective. Children are encouraged to revisit knowledge they already have to help them understand how new words are put together. They learn about different sounds, roots and patterns and how to apply these to new language. To be a good independent speller it is vital that children understand how our language works.

Here are some ideas for when children are learning spellings or new words at home

40+ Cartoon Spelling Bee Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock


                                            SPELLING WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS - CLICK HERE FOR THE SLIDES


Top ten ways to learn a spelling!

1. Break it into sounds (d-i-a-r-y) Break it into syllables (re-mem-ber)

2. Help your child to use a dictionary and thesaurus.

3. Break it into root words and affixes (un-necess-ary)

4. Use a mnemonic (necessary – one collar and two sleeves)

5. Use your knowledge of word roots (two is a number like twelve and twenty)

6. Use word families (would, could, should)

7. See words within words (friend til the end)

8. Use spelling rules (writing, written)

9. By sight - learn the shape of the word – look, cover, remember (eyes closed and visualise!), write, check (does it help to write the tricky part in a different colour?)

10. By movement – get used to writing the word with your finger, with a pen, in the air, on the keyboard