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At Heatherside we believe in a positive approach to behaviour management. We use encouragement and reward for good behaviour and a clear, consistent and shared approach for addressing unacceptable behaviour.  We believe in a ‘Rights Respecting’ approach, where British Values and the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child help us to understand our responsibilities as well as our rights.

Our School Charter

Be Your Best

We try our best in all that we do, in our work and our behaviour.

(Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full).

Be Prepared

We are always ready to learn and have all the correct equipment and kit.

(Article 28: Every child has the right to an education).

Be Safe

We move around the school safely and sensibly, during lesson times and at break.  We walk on the left and ask permission to leave a lesson. 

(Article 29: Education…must encourage the child’s respect for human rights).

Be Healthy

We value the importance of a healthy lifestyle, taking care to look after ourselves and each other.

(Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health).

Be Considerate

We show respect for everyone in our school, we have good manners, listening carefully and taking turns.  We take care of our equipment and our environment. 

(Article 12: Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them).

Be Kind

We are kind and thoughtful towards each other, in our words and our actions.

(Article 2: The Convention applies to every child).

The children are actively involved in reviewing our anti-bullying policy annually. Through respect for the wellbeing of others we aim to provide a safe, secure and peaceful community in which pupils and staff can work and grow.

At Heatherside Junior School good behaviour is fostered through:

  • a clear set of simple rules, the reasons for which are shared with the children;
  • a consistent approach to behaviour management, supported by a clearly defined set of procedures for rewarding good behaviour and sanctioning unacceptable behaviour;
  • Rights, Respect and Responsibility work through PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), Circle Time and curriculum activities which encourage children to accept responsibility for their own actions;
  • pupil led meetings aimed at giving children responsibility and developing a sense of community;
  • the courteous and respectful behaviour of adult role models.

We expect a high standard of behaviour from our children and regular contact with parents will be sought if poor classroom or playtime behaviour persists.  We believe that working in partnership with families is best way forward with a joint approach being most effective for children.

Reward Systems

An essential part of our school ethos is celebrating success, recognising effort and encouraging children to contribute positively in all aspects of Heatherside life.  We have a whole range of reward systems, from individual Star of the Week certificates to collective House Points.  We share achievements through our assemblies, newsletters and displays of work; all of which help the children to feel valued.