Clubs and Wraparound Care
We are pleased to offer a range of Clubs and are committed to building our offer even further in the future. Clubs are run by a mixture of school staff and external providers, all of who are DBS/Qualification checked.
For External Clubs, bookings are made direct with the Provider. The school is able to offer financial support for Clubs for those children in receipt of Pupil Premium/Free School Meals and this can be arranged with Mrs Duffett and Mrs Napier. Club Bookings are made termly and links and booking letters are shared with parents to help everyone have an equal opportunity to book.
Breakfast Club provision is based at Heatherside Infants and children are collected at 8.30am by a member of our staff. Please click on the icon to access the booking form; this can be done on a daily basis.
We also offer wraparound care which is run by SCL Active at Heatherside Infants. Wraparound care provides an active, safe place for children to window down after school, allowing parents to complete their working day with peace of mind. They will provide active, engaging experiences designed to provide children with their recommended daily activity as well as a healthy snack of their choice. Children can be cared for from the end of school at 3.05pm until 6pm. In order to make a booking please visit their website by clicking on the button below.
Parents are able to book up to the day before to allow for flexibility.
This is run by Sticks n Stuff Hockey and is open to all year groups. This is a chargeable club.
Sewing (Monday and Tuesday)
The Make Do and Mend Club runs twice a week and there is a charge for this club. Number are limited due to the nature of the activity.
Gymnastics (Monday)
This is run by Hart Gymnastics and is open to all year groups. This is a chargeable club.
Yoga (Tuesday)
Run by Kerry, this chargeable club is open to all years in the morning before school.
Art (Tuesday)
Art runs on Tuesdays and is led by Mrs Laws Bates. It is open to all year groups.
Judo (Tuesday)
Judo is on Tuesdays and is open to all year groups. It is run by Judo for Schools and there is a charge for this club.
French (Tuesday Yr 5&6 & Thursday Yr 3&4)
French is open to all year groups. Tuesday (5&6 Thursday 3&4). It is run by FunFrancais and there is a charge for this club
Tag Rugby (Tuesday)
Tag Rugby runs on Tuesdays and is led by Mr Demblon and some of our ex-Heatherside pupils. It is open to all year groups. This is a free club as it is run by school staff.
Year 6 Girls' Football (Tuesday)
This runs after school and is led by Mr Wedgwood. There is no charge for this club.
Redstars Drama (Wednesday)
Run by Claire and her team, this chargeable club is open to all years.
Netball (Wednesday)
Netball is run by qualified coaches for children in Years 5 and 6.
Football (Wednesday)
CM Sports run this club for all year groups and there is a charge for this.
Can be booked via this link
Dance (Thursday)
Open to all year groups, this club is run by LA Dance Centre. There is a charge for this club.
Coding club (Thursday)
Run by Jamcoding, this is open to all years and has is a chargeable club
Footsteps (Thursday)
This is a lunchtime club run by FACCTS (Fleet and Crookham Churches Together in Schools. There is no charge for this club
Athletics (Thursday)
Run by Tom Bowerman, this is open to all years and has is a chargeable club.
Year 6 Boys' Football (Thursday)
This runs after school and is led by Mr MacRae. There is no charge for this club.
Chess (Friday)
Chess Club is open to all year groups and is run by Nick Pert; there is a charge for this club.
Girls Football (Friday)
Run by Inspire Girls Football this club is for Girls in Years 5 & 6. There is no charge for this club/