Curriculum Aims and Subjects
We believe that 'Learning is for Life' and we want our children to be confident, independent, lifelong learners. We offer a curriculum that is planned to challenge, engage and inspire children of all abilities. Using the National Curriculum as a basis, we believe in providing opportunities for children to learn through a cross-curricular approach; making links between subjects and applying their skills across all areas of their work. We have high expectations of the children and of ourselves and the curriculum is therefore designed to
Be adapted and shaped to meet children’s different abilities, learning styles and interests.
Provide first hand experiences and creative opportunities.
Build on children’s prior knowledge so that teaching enables the best progress to be made.
Develop key skills such as communication, citizenship, computing, perseverance, empathy, cultural awareness, research enquiry and critical thinking; preparing children for the next stage of their learning and for the diverse and technological world in which they will be living and working.
Promote the importance of good health, exercise and personal wellbeing
Our curriculum is planned on a subject based approach; however, we aim to make as many meaningful connections between subjects as possible so that children are able to make links and connections. This helps children to engage with their learning and to build a more holistic understanding of the curriculum.
Approaches such as 'Let's Think in English' and wider school events and opportunities, such as Mix Up Mornings and Theme Days/Weeks add to our curriculum offer and are designed to develop children's creative, thinking skills and team work as well as curriculum knowledge and understanding.
We want to ensure that our children develop into aspirational, successful young people who are confident, well-rounded and able to make considered and informed choices, both when progressing to secondary school and in later life. With an ever-changing world, we aim to work with the local community, as well as exploring wider national and global issues, to prepare children to be successful, responsible citizens of the future. Our curriculum is underpinned by the Vision and Values of our school.
At Heatherside, children learn French across all year groups and Music is taught by a specialist teacher and we are proud of the standards achieved. Some children have additional lessons with Hampshire Music Service and other specialist teachers, which adds further to our music provision.
Personal, social and health education is an integral part of our curriculum and through activities such as drama, discussion and circle time, children learn the skills to help them make positive choices about their lives. Sport also features highly at Heatherside; both as part of the PE curriculum but also through clubs, fixtures and whole school events.