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Heatherside Schools’ Association (HSA)

Heatherside Schools Association is a registered charity No.284361 that supports both Heatherside Junior and Infant Schools.

The HSA is a group of parents who meet regularly to organise social and fundraising events including Christmas and Summer Fairs, discos, movie nights and the Quiz Night.


Parents of every student at the school are automatically members of the HSA and everyone is welcome to join in whenever they are able.   We appreciate that with people’s busy lives it is not always easy to make a regular commitment but even if you can only spare an hour or two occasionally, we’re always glad of extra help at our events, so please volunteer to be one of our Helping Hands.

The money raised is shared equally between the two schools and is spent on items which enhance learning and the school environment; including helping to fund new laptops and new outdoor seating.

Contact the HSA via your.heatherside@

Please sign up to AmazonSmile (via and select Heatherside Schools’ Association to raise funds while you shop!

Sign up to Easy Fundraising or download the App to help support our HSA


Events and Fundraising Information regarding events and fundraising will be given via Parentmail or via the Heatherside Community Facebook page.

Local Support The HSA is sponsored by Bridges Estate Agents and receives support from many local businesses in Fleet.