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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PHSE)

Our PHSE lead is Miss J Cain and our Wellbeing lead is Mrs H Davis.

PSHE education at our school holds as its core principles to prepare children to be able to maintain and recognise healthy relationships, to understand the safety and wellbeing of their own health and live respectfully and responsibly in the wider world. We teach this through a range of timetabled lessons, activities, assemblies and wider school experiences; many of which have strong cross-curricular links. 

Lakey Lane Primary School - SEND

PSHE Curriculum Statement


PSHE education at our school holds as its core principles to prepare children to be able to maintain and recognise healthy relationships, to understand the safety and wellbeing of their own health and live respectfully and responsibly in the wider world. Our aim is to develop resilience and independence in the children, which is shown in their work and all other aspects of their life. Our aim is for the children to recognise different feelings and to be able to describe them through their work with ‘The Zones of Regulation’; to know what to do if they feel unsafe or uneasy in the real or virtual world.  Our aim is for the children to know how to have a healthy lifestyle and the importance of physical and mental health. Our aim is for the children to have a clear understanding of puberty and the changes that take place in their bodies.  Our aim is for the children to understand their place in a community and the role of money.


PSHE is taught in class each week following a spiral curriculum based around the guidance from the PSHE Association.  Where the topic is best taught as part of another subject, flexibility allows for this - some of the online safety objectives are taught within the computing curriculum.  Sometimes the topic is best approached as a whole school, as in the case of ‘Kindness Week’ and the regular revisiting of the British Values.  As well as teaching specific content within PSHE, the whole school ethos is reinforced.  Assemblies are another vehicle for teaching PSHE and are carefully aligned to both are school and the British Values.  Changes in the human body are taught through Science and PSHE as appropriate. The importance of good relationships is an example of a theme that is taught and practised throughout all aspects of school life. This year we are focusing on supporting children with developing their emotive language and are teaching  ‘The Zones of Regulation’ through additional class assemblies. Where possible, visitors come into school to talk to individual classes or year groups.


Children at Heatherside become more resilient and develop as independent learners.  They approach relationships with others in a kind and thoughtful way.  They can recognise when something does not feel right and know what to do about it.  They can see a place for themselves in a community and have ideas about how to achieve their aspirations.  They become more confident people who can express themselves in a range of situations. They know how to live a healthy life.