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Safeguarding our children is a priority in every aspect of life at Heatherside Junior School. We follow all Government Guidelines including Keeping Children Safe in Education and details of how we ensure our children are safe and protected are given in our Child Protection Policy (The full version of which contains staff contact details as well as information for staff on reporting procedures and signs and symptoms is available on request.)

Mrs Dunn is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) 

Mr Demblon and Mrs Allchurch are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads




Parent (Grandparent) and Carers helping in school

We are extremely fortunate to have so many parents and family members who offer to help in school.All our helpers are expected to have a Clear DBS Check and complete our full Application Pack for volunteers and our Office Team can help with this or you can click here to go direct to the Parent Helper webpage.

We also provide guidelines at our Welcome Coffee Morning in September and details can also be found on the following leaflet Guidance for Parent Helpers

Information and advice for Parents on how to keep your child safe when they are using technology is given on our Information and Letters to Parents page of our website.  We cover online safety throughout the curriculum at school and regularly remind the children of how they can stay safe and also how to be responsible and respectful online users of technology.

Internet Provider

Our intenet provider is Agile ICT and they also provide our technical support. Please see their information letter below which includes specific information about the firewall and ways in which we are able to ensure that unsuitable sites are blocked in school.

Access and information for visitors

All visitors to the school are asked to report to the school office and sign the Visitor’s Book and collect a Visitor’s/ Helper’s badge. Our school has a ramped path to the main entrance. If you have any access needs, please do not hesitate to contact us in advance of your visit in order for appropriate arrangements to be made. The reception is fitted with an Induction Loop.

Vehicle Access

In the interest of the children’s safety, our policy states that parents are not permitted to drop off, pick up or park within the school gates.   This policy applies to all drivers except Disabled (Blue) Badge holders, staff and visitors. There are two designated bays for Blue Badge holders. Children and families are encouraged to walk to school. However parents using a vehicle are asked to park outside the school site, showing due care to local residents and businesses.

Traffic on site - letter to Parents