Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Equalities Statement
We believe that children with special educational needs or disabilities should have equal access to a broad, balanced, inclusive and relevant curriculum which is differentiated to meet their individual needs. For the majority of children support will be provided through differentiated work, sometimes with additional help from Learning Support Assistants (Special Needs Support), or outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologist. Normally support will be provided within the classroom, although sometimes children may be withdrawn to work in a small group or on an individual programme. Children in need of extra support are placed on our Special Needs Register in order for us to monitor their progress carefully and to ensure the right level of support is being provided. Parents, pupils and staff work together to review progress through the creation and implementation of a Learning Plan.
Whilst many factors may contribute to the range of difficulties experienced by some children, we believe that much can be done to overcome them by parents, teachers and support staff, outside agencies and pupils working together.
Our SEND Co-ordinator is Mr Demblon and he can be contacted via the following email g.demblon@heatherside-jun.hants.sch.uk
Please click on the above link for the Hampshire Local Offer page. The Educational Psychology Helpline for Parents and Carers is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9.30am - 11.00am 01252 814729. Click on the button below for further details.